
SimpleSerialize follows simple byte conversion, making it effective and efficient for encoding and decoding
Serialization encodes the data into Bytes32 chunks for merkleization.

SSZ provides serialize and deserialize methods for

  • Basic types i.e. integers, Booleans,
  • List and vectors of bits, known as BitLists and BitVectors,
  • Lists and Vectors of type_serializable,
  • Containers with type_serializable fieds,
  • Unions of serializable types

"Type Serializable"

An object that can be serialized is of type_serializable

serializable can be thought of as a trait

Given a type T, we write T : Serializable if T extends (or "inherits" or "is a") Serializable.

Each type T:Serialiable should offer two functionalities:
  • Serialize:
    • serialize<T> : T -> seq<bytes>
    • Returns a sequence of bytes when applied to an object of type T
  • Deserialize:
    • deserialize<T> : seq<bytes> ~-> T
    • Returns an object of type T when it is possible to deserialize a sequence of bytes in an object of type T

Given two objects O1:T and O2:T where T <: Serializable, the pair of functions (serialize<T>, deserialize<T>) should be:

  • Involutive: deserialize<T>( serialize<T>(O1) ) = O1
  • Injective: serialize<T>(O1) = serialize<T>(O2) implies that O1 = O2